A General Labourer or Helper in the skilled trades is an essential and versatile role within various industries, including construction, manufacturing, automotive, and other trade-based professions. These individuals are crucial team members, supporting skilled workers and professionals in their respective fields.
A role as a General Labourer or Helper can be a great entry point for individuals interested in learning a skilled trade, as it is an opportunity to gain valuable hands-on experience and industry knowledge while working alongside experienced professionals.
General Labourers/Helpers may pursue further training and education to specialize in a particular trade and become apprentices and skilled professionals.
Hairstylists shampoo, cut, perm, shave, and style hair. With appropriate training, they also perform more complex tasks incuding colouring/frosting hair, weaving, and adding hair extensions.
Horse Groomers are responsible for the maintenance, health, nutrition, feeding, and grooming of horses.
Horse Harness Makers manufacture, rebuild, and repair a wide variety of harnesses, saddles, saddle trees, and other associated tack for equestrian disciplines.
Horticulturists use their gardening knowledge and skills in a variety of ways and in many different settings. While some may work to maintain formal gardens, others may spend their time tending to golf courses, cemeteries, or parks.
Customer Care Agents works in IT contact centres and provide support to the sales division of their organization through their customer care activities.
Sales Agents work in IT contact centres to identify and determine the best product or service to meet customer needs. They are responsible for building rapport and relationships, analyzing and evaluating information provided, and interacting effectively with a wide range of customers.
Technical Support Agents work in IT contact centres and provide assistance to clients for microcomputer hardware and application software, desktop, and mobile platforms by determining and documenting problems and solutions. Agents must be able to help clients install new hardware, software, and networking components, as well as troubleshoot when issues arise
Information Technology Hardware Technicians support clients in the use of computer applications and operating systems; install hardware, software, and network components; and troubleshoot information systems.