Steps to an Apprenticeship (PDF)

A valuable guide for both students, youth, educators and parents,'s Steps to an Apprenticeship is a detailed guide, tailored specifically for those looking to enter the skilled trades. Starting at the very beginning, this guide serves as a step-by-step walk-through for the process of becoming an apprentice. Containing helpful exercises and a wealth of useful internet links, this resource should not be missed.

Resumes and Cover Letters (PDF)

A guide to help you prepare a resume and cover letter that will help you land an interview.

Job Search (PDF)

A guide that helps you through the process of searching for jobs.

Interviews (PDF)

A guide to help you learn, prepare, and succeed after you've landed an interview.

Financial Supports for Apprentices (PDF)

A resource to help navigate your financial resources that are available to you.

Steps to Register as an Apprentice (PDF)

A step by step resource to walk you through the registration process when starting an apprenticeship. - Skilled Trades Poster (PDF)

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