Yes. Make sure your resume and your registration information is up to date. To log in, you will be using your same email and password that you were using before. If our system believes your password is not strong enough, it will prompt you to reset. If you have forgotten your password, you can use the “forgot password” function under the log in information.
Click the sign up button found at the top of the page. This will allow you to sign up as either a Job Seeker or an Employer. After you fill out the short form, you will need to verify your email. All you need to do is click the link in the email you received from Finally, follow the easy-to-use wizard to complete your profile.
Before resetting your password, remember that our passwords are case sensitive (Aa). If you have forgotten your password, you can use the “forgot password” function and will send you an email with instructions on updating your password.
You can reactivate your account just by logging in. If you have found employment or no longer want to have your resume visible to employers, you are able to mark your account as “Inactive.”
If you do get a job - let us know so that we can mark your profile as inactive. Letting us know about your success also helps us report to funders and maintain our programs and services free of charge!
Your resume is uploaded during the final step of the sign up wizard. If you would like to upload a different resume or review the one currently on file, you can click the link on the left hand menu "Upload a resume". In order to access this menu you must be logged in as a Job Seeker. The link can be accessed from your dashboard. Please remember resume documents must be in a PDF of DOCX file.
You must be signed in as an Employer and your profile approved by an ApprenticeSearch admin. On your dashboard you can find a link to the New Job Post form. You can also click "My Jobs" on the left hand menu to see jobs you have saved, jobs that are currently posted, as well as post a new job.
If you need assistance navigating the site or additional help finding the right apprentice for your company, please reach out to
When you register on as an employer OR applicant we will ask for your mobile phone number. By providing a mobile phone number and selecting SMS Messaging as a form of contact, you will begin to receive notifications on new job alerts or new candidate alerts. If you are an existing user on, you can go into your settings and select SMS Messaging as your form of contact. will be mobile friendly by allowing the same tools you have access to on your computer, accessible on your mobile device.
Yes. Your account will need to be approved to be able to access the features on We look at every single employer and job seeker profile to ensure that legitimate employers and applicants are accessing the site.
Once your profile and resume have been approved, you will then be able start to your search on This will also allow employers to be able to see your resume.
If you attend your in-school training under a block release arrangement, you may be eligible for Employment Insurance, and in some cases employers may pay your full wages while you are attending your mandatory in class apprenticeship training. (This is not a legal requirement of your employer) Changes to Employment Insurance legislation will allow apprentices in approved training to serve only one two-week waiting period within the same apprenticeship program. Contact your local Service Canada office for full details
You’ll need to obtain a transcript of your courses from the post-secondary institute(s) you attended. Educational credits are evaluated at the time you register as an apprentice, so have those documents with you. As well, Industry Committees in the various trades will have an increasing role in evaluation of educational credits in their respective trades.
Similar to transferring your hours and competencies to a new sponsor (employer), youth apprenticeship/technical/pre-apprenticeship hours are discussed at the time of registration. The training consultant from your province's appropriate training authority, your sponsor/employer and yourself will meet to discuss the feasibility of applying credit toward your apprenticeship.
The first thing you should do is to self-identify to your employer that you want to become an apprentice. If you are a new employee, keep in mind that your employer is evaluating you as an employee: your attitude, attendance, punctuality, ability to work well with others, reliability and general motivation on the job. At the point that your employer agrees to formally register you, contact the training authority in your province to get started. With some employers, the company policy is to register apprentices right away, while others take time to assess your on-the-job attitude and performance and to see if you have what it takes. Make your employer aware of the incentives that are available to employers for signing apprentices, such as the Canadian Apprenticeship Service.
Both you and your employer will be involved in the process of signing the apprenticeship training agreement. If you have any questions, contact your local apprenticeship office.
Grants and loans are available for new apprentices via the Loans for Tools program. This program offers new apprentices a loan to help them buy tools and equipment they need to perform the trade in which they are registered. Manuals and code books that will remain the property of the apprentice are also eligible. Please see list of incentives under our resources tab.
Depending on the trade you are certified in, that certification may only be valid in your home province. If you relocate to another province, you need to show them your provincial trade license and then sit that province’s exam. You don’t however have to do your entire apprenticeship all over again.
Some specific trades are covered under a program known as the Red Seal Program. This program is intended to provide interprovincial mobility. The Red Seal means the specific trades’ standards are acknowledged throughout Canada without further examination. Apprentices who have completed their training and become certified journeypersons are able to obtain a Red Seal endorsement. The Red Seal appears on their provincial or territorial certificates of Qualification and Apprenticeship after they have successfully completed the interprovincial Red Seal examination.
It is important to know if the Red Seal program is available in your trade of interest if you are planning to relocate within Canada.