What does a Information Technology - Contact Centre Customer Care Agent (634E) do?

Customer Care Agents works in IT contact centres and provide support to the sales division of their organization through their customer care activities.

Job Related Skills, Interests and Values

  • Maintaining a functional help desk environment; demonstrating high quality client service skills
  • Communicating effectively with clients, co-workers, and supervisors, both verbally and in writing
  • Creating and maintaining accurate documentation
  • Liaising with manufacturing, sales, support, and financial services departments
  • Demonstrating a thorough knowledge of computer components and PC technology
  • Reviewing and distributing cross-functional information

What Preparation and Training Do You Need?

  • While not mandatory, completion of 3,820-hour apprenticeship program, including on-the-job and in-school training, may be helpful

What's Your Future as a Information Technology - Contact Centre Customer Care Agent (634E)?

  • Front-line, fast-paced environment; often using telephone or web to support clients
  • Bilingualism (English/French) an asset for those in this field
  • Opportunities to achieve promotions within your organization or transfer skills to a future career

Wage Rate

Apprentice wage increases with skill and experience. Fully qualified agents earn an average of $20.00-$31.25 per hour.


Customer Care Agent – Information Technology Contact Centre (634E)

Ask Yourself: Yes No
Do you have strong verbal and written communication skills in both French and English?
Do you have excellent organizational and time-management skills?
Do you have basic computer skills? Have you performed diagnostics and technical support before?
Are you able to follow Health & Safety guidelines?
Are you able to stand or sit for long periods of time?
Are you flexible when it comes to your work schedule?
Do you have a high degree of self-motivation?

If you checked YES to the majority of these questions, a career as a Customer Care Agent – Information Technology Contact Centre (634E) may be for you!

You might want to look at these similar trades as well;

  • Technical Support Agent – Information Technology Contact Centre
  • Inside Sales Agent – Information Technology Contact Centre
  • Telecommunications Installer & Repairer
  • Network Cabling Specialist

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