What is Apprenticeship?

Not sure what an apprenticeship is? Need to know where the closest Ministry of Training, Colleges & Universities Apprenticeship Branch office is located?

Apprenticeship Retention Study

Business Case for Apprenticeship : if you ever wonder, "is it worth it for employers to hire and train apprentices", this series of handouts developed by the Canadian Apprenticeship Forum - Forum canadien sur l'apprentissage (CAF-FCA) will clearly show you that yes, it is worth the investment

Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities Apprenticeship Offices : a listing of the offices' contact information across Ontario

The Women in Skilled Trades (WIST) program provides pre-apprenticeship training geared towards increasing the number of women in skilled trades. Following graduation, women are qualified to enter a variety of highly skilled and high-demand skilled trades jobs and apprenticeships. Here is a list of programs being offered into the year 2014

Canadian Construction Women : Vancouver-based organization that provides members with opportunities to support, mentor, network, provide learning and development and community involvement for women in construction trades

Financial Incentives and Apprenticeship Tax Credits : links to government programs incentives providing financial assistance to employers and job seekers

Moxie Trades : a local resource for women providing trades clothing, contractors, advice and more

Ontario Construction Secretariat (Made with the Trades) : a multi-use site with information regarding construction-based skilled trades

IT Training for Women : program providing training in IT-related careers that are in demand; involves up to a year in-class training and a work placement to gain on-the-job-skills

Women in Skilled Trades Pre-Apprenticeship Training : class focus varies across the province and ranges from General Carpentry, Motive Power, Electrical, Horticulture and Painter/ Decorator

ToolGirl.com : Mag Ruffman's Official Blog about "power tools, home repair, creativity and making stuff"

Women Building Futures : Alberta-based registered charity that supports women from all backgrounds to be successful in the skilled trades within their communities

Women in Nuclear (WIN) Canada : provides an opportunity for women to succeed in the industry through initiatives such as mentoring, networking, and personal development opportunities

Chicago Women in Trades : a Chicago-based organization working to increase the number of women in the skilled trades and eliminate barriers preventing women from entering non-traditional occupations

Build TogetHER : a Canadian Building Trades Union program that supports and promotes women in the trades.

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