www.aem.org/ -Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) Canada represents equipment manufacturers.

www.183training.com - Construction Craft Worker Apprenticeship

www.abana.org - Artist Blacksmith's Association of North America (ABANA)

www.aboriginalhr.ca/ - Aboriginal Human Resource Development Council of Canada

www.aiac.ca - Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC) This organization represents Canadian aerospace manufacturers and service providers.

www.awci.org - Association of the Wall and Ceiling Industry (AWCI) Trade association that represents drywall contractors in Canada and the U.S.

www.boilermaker.ca - www.boilermaker.ca is here to provide you with the who, what, where, when and why of a challenging, exciting work life in a key part of this heavy industrial construction industry.

www.boilermakers.org -International Brotherhood of Boilermakers (IBB)

www.buildingtrades.ca - Canadian Building Trades (AFL-CIO)

www.caf-fca.org/ - Canadian Apprenticeship Forum

www.cahr-crha.ca - The Council for Automotive Human Resources (CAHR)

www.camc.ca - The Canadian Aviation Maintenance Council

www.canadamasonrycentre.com/omca/ - Ontario Masonry Contractors Association

www.careersinconstruction.ca - Careers In Construction - This informative website was created by the Construction Sector Council (CSC).

www.carpenters.org - United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiner of America - A union representing carpenters and related workers across North America.

www.carpentersdc.com - Carpenters' District Council of Ontario - This link provides information on news and events of relevance to carpenters and joiners working in Ontario, apprenticeships, lists carpenter locals and explains the history of the union and Ontario's District Council.

www.cars-council.ca - The Canadian Automotive Repair & Service Council (CARS) The CARS Council provides resources for employees and employers in the automotive repair and service industry.

www.cca-acc.com - Canadian Construction Association

www.ccfcc.ca - Canadian Culinary Federation

www.ciia.com - Automotive Industry - The home of the Automotive Industry's Information Centre. Awesome information on not only Hamilton's Automotive Collision Industry, but Canada's industry as a whole. Check out the training, employment and links sections for great info and job opportunities in Hamilton and beyond.

www.ciph.com -Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating

www.clac.ca - Christian Labour Association of Canada

www.coca.on.ca - Council of Ontario Construction Associations

https://www.conferenceboard.ca/ - Conference Board of Canada - Overview of the critical "Employability Skills" needed in the workplace now and in the future

www.crva.ca/ - Canadian Recreational Vehicle Association

www.csa-international.org - Canadian Standards Association

www.cstec.ca - The Canadian Steel Trade and Employment Congress

www.ctma.com -Canadian Tooling & Machining Association

www.cupe1287.com - Canadian Union of Public Employees - Local 1287

www.cwbgroup.org -The Canadian Welding Bureau Group

www.ecao.org - ECAO/IBEW -- Electrical Contractors Association of Ontario and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

www.electricityforum.com/links/cdautil.htm - Canadian Electricity Utility Sites

www.electrofed.com/councils/CEASA - Canadian Electronic & Appliance Service Association

www.hrai.ca - Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Institute of Canada

www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/workplaceskills/noc/index.shtml - HRDC- Lists National Occupational Codes

www.iamaw.ca -International Association of Machinists & Areospace Workers

www.iatn.net -The International Automotive Technicians' Network (IATN) - This website allows automotive technicians from around the world to share information.

www.ibewcco.org - International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers

www.iciconstruction.com - Ontario Construction Secretariat's Careers and Industrial Informationwebsite This is an excellent site for information on the construction industry in Ontario. The site profiles a wide range of construction trades.

www.istma.org -International Special Tooling & Machining Association

www.iuoe.org - International Union of Operating Engineers - International Office

www.iuoelocal793.org - International Union of Operating Engineers - Local 793 and the Operating Engineers Training Institute of Ontario

www.labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/ -Ministry of Labour - Employment Standards
The Employment Standards Act establishes minimum terms and conditions of employment called employment standards.

www.landscapeontario.com - Landscape Ontario - Horticultural Tades Association

www.millwrightsontario.com - Millwright Regional Council of Ontario

www.nrc.ca - National Research Council(NRC)

www.ontarioblacksmiths.ca - Ontario Artist Blacksmith Association (OABA)

www.ontpca.org - Ontario Painting Contractors Association

www.ontruck.org - The Ontario Trucking Association

www.optc.org/ -Ontario Pipe Trades Council

www.skillscanada.com - Skills Canada WHY technologies and trades?
Over 80% of Canadian technology companies surveyed face a shortage of skilled employees.

www.skillsontario.com/ - Skills Canada - Ontario At Skills Canada - Ontario, we want to provide you with the most up-to-date and pertinent information as it relates to the impending skills shortage that we are faced with in Ontario.

www.smwia.org -Sheet Metal Workers International Association (SMWIA)

www.tc.gc.ca -Transport Canada develops and administers policies governing the transportation industry.

www.tsb.gc.ca - Transportation Safety Board of Canada

www.ttmgo.org -Tile, Terrazzo & Marble Guild of Ontario

www.ua.org -United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing & Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (UA)

www.uca.on.ca - The Utility Contractors Association of Ontario, Inc.

www.millwrightlocal2309.ca - Union Millwrights and Machine Erectors

www.woodlinks.com - WoodLINKS

www.youth.gc.ca - Youth Employment Strategy is the Government of Canada's action plan to help young Canadians access learning opportunities, career information and work experience. The Strategy brings together a number of existing Government of Canada programs and services for youth.

www.youthjobs.gov.on.ca - Youth Opportunities Ontario site is designed to show you how you can find work or even start your own business.

https://oyap.com/en/about_oyap/what_is_oyap/ - Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP) allows students to earn registered apprenticeship training while completing requirements for their secondary school graduation diploma. The program encourages youth to enter the workforce with a recognized skill or trade, a sound educational background and the accreditation of an Ontario Secondary School Diploma.

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