Click on the company link to view their website or call telephone number to find out more information.
Service/Appliance | ||
Chadwicks & Hacks Appliance Service | 905-385-9274 | 682 Fennell Avenue East, Hamilton |
Service/Culinary | ||
Chris' Store Fixtures | 905-523-5250 | 351 James Street, Hamilton |
Denninger's Foods of the World | 905-522-2414 | Hamilton (multiple locations) |
Hamilton Store Fixtures | 905-528-4289 | 206 King Street West, Hamilton |
Service/Hairstyling | ||
Cosmo Prof | 905-318-1612 | 86 Mall Road Unit 3, Hamilton |
Radiant Beauty Supplies | 905-318-4951 75 | Unsworth Drive, Hamilton |
Service/Horticultural | ||
Hamilton Sod | 905-679-4137 | 2907 Upper James Street, RR1, Mt. Hope |
NOTE: does not endorse the use of any of the above retailers; always shop around and do your research when making a purchase.