Click on the company link to view their website or call telephone number to find out more information.
Construction/Bricklaying | ||
Ferrell Brick & Stone | 905-387-1948 1-800-363-2745 | Hamilton |
Hamilton Builders' Supply | 905-388-2352 | 164 Limeridge Road East, Hamilton |
Patene Building Supplies | 905-574-110 | 255 Nebo Road, Hamilton |
Construction/Building | ||
AMA Roofing Supplies | 905-389-6071 | 130 Hempstead Drive, |
Boncor Building Products Co. | 905-383-8400 | 115 Hempstead Drive, Hamilton |
Day & Campbell Ltd. | 905-385-5315 | 1074 Upper Wellington Street, |
Lawson Building Supplies | 905-549-3501 | 260 Dunsmure, Hamilton |
Lennox Canada Ltd. | 905-560-4200 | 351 Nash Road North, Unit 10, Hamilton |
Lowe's Home Improvement | 905-312-5670 | 1945 Barton Street East, Hamilton |
Mario's Tile & Interiors | 905-575-0731 | 175 Nebo Road, Hamilton |
QSI Windows & Doors | 905-575-8078 | 175 Nebo Road, Hamilton |
Roofmart | 905-545-1136 | 560 Parkdale Avenue North, Hamilton |
Rona Cashway Building Centre | 905-383-3355 | 1245 Rymal Road East, Hamilton |
Trombetta Construction Materials Inc. | 905-544-0803 | 1901 Barton Street East, Hamilton |
Turkstra Lumber Co. Ltd. | 905-388-8220 905-561-1112 905-628-9924 905-689-6604 | 370 Green Road, Stoney Creek 370 Green Road, Stoney Creek 355 Mill St. Dundas 61 Hamilton St. N., Waterdown |
United Refrigeration of Canada Ltd. | 905-561-5335 | 398 Nash Road North, Unit 4, Hamilton |
Construction/Decorating | ||
Bay City Paint & Wallpaper | 905-527-4453 | 1546 Main Street West, Hamilton |
ICI Paint- Glidden- Colour Your World | 905-389-3996 | 900 Upper James Street, Hamilton |
Sherwin- Williams Co. | 905-522-8722 | 1603 Main Street West, Hamilton |
Construction/Electrical | ||
Airo Electric Ltd. | 905-730-1892 | 83 Bigwin Road, Unit 9, |
Demerling Electric Supply Co. | 905-575-5255 | 135 Lancing Drive, Hamilton |
Gerrie Electric Wholesale Ltd. | 905-548-0388 | 400 Parkdale Avenue North, Hamilton |
HD Supply Brafasco Hamilton | 905-575-7577 | 85 Hempstead Drive, Hamilton |
Torbram Electrical Supply (TES) | 905-573-8133 | 249 Lake Avenue North, Hamilton |
Westburne- Ruddy Electric | 905-574-8688 | 120 Nebo Road, Hamilton |
Construction/Heavy Equipment | ||
Cardi Construction | 905-560-3122 | 600 Nebo Road, Hamilton |
Resources Equipment | 905-544-9544 | 637 Parkdale Avenue North, Hamilton |
Construction/Plumbing | ||
Bardon Supplies Limited | 905-688-8887 | 135 Nebo Road, Hamilton |
Hamilton Plumbing Supply Ltd. | 905-526-1414 | 32 Leeming Street, Hamilton |
Hydronic Parts Group Ltd. | 905-523-7294 | 601 Burlington Street East, Hamilton |
McKeough Supply Inc. | 905-312-8987 | 596 Rennie Street, Hamilton |
Noble Trade | 905-570-1099 | 601 Burlington Street East, Hamilton |
Plumbing House | 905-574-3083 | 1405 Upper Ottawa Street, Hamilton |
WWG Totaline | 905-563-4147 | 400 Parkdale Avenue North, Unit 4, Hamilton |
NOTE: does not endorse the use of any of the above retailers; always shop around and do your research when making a purchase.