Click on the company link to view their website or call telephone number to find out more information.
Service/Appliance | ||
Ap Wagner Appliance Parts | 1-800-268-7513 | 1035 Queensway Avenue Mississauga |
Fast Eddie Appliance Service & Parts | 905-333-1984 | 380 Pine Cove Road Burlington |
Service/Culinary | ||
Kitchen Surroundings | 905-634-1060 | Mapleview Centre Burlington |
Lumeco Inc. | 905-632-5811 | 5035 North Service Road, Burlington |
Nella Cutlery | 905-823-1110 | 1655 Finfar Court Mississauga |
Service/Hairstyling | ||
Beauticians' Beauty Systems | 905-637-6566 | 3537 Fairview Street Burlington |
The Beauty Supply Outlet | 905-634-3355 | 3315 Fairview Street Burlington |
Radiant Beauty Supplies | 905-639-0897 | 3350 Fairview Street Burlington |
Star Beauty Plus | 905-501-0501 | 49 Matheson Blvd East Mississauga |
Service/Horticultural | ||
Burlington Garden Supplies Ltd. | 905-336-7725 | 2273 Dundas Street, Burlington |
FSI Landscape Supply | 905-456-2435 | 7375 Tomken Street, Brampton |
Van Beek's Garden Supplies | 1-866-778-5824 | 758 Southdown Road, Mississauga |
Van Beek's Garden Supplies | 905-842-5053 1-866-778-5824 | 2140 Lower Base Line West , Oakville |
NOTE: does not endorse the use of any of the above retailers; always shop around and do your research when making a purchase.