Click on the company link to view their website or call telephone number to find out more information.
Construction/Building | ||
Bernardi Building Supply | 905-823-0992 | 2235 Royal Windsor Drive |
905-876-2525 | 318 Bronte Street S., Milton | |
Rockett Lumber & Building Supplies Ltd. | 905-275-1800 | 3350 Wolfedale Road, |
Rona | 905-332-8868 | 1830 Ironstone Drive, Burlington |
Tamarack Lumber Inc. | 905-335-1115 | 3269 North Service Road, Burlington |
Construction/Decorating | ||
Mount Royal Paint & Wallpaper | 905-332-7320 | 2023 Mount Forest Drive Burlington |
Construction/Electrical | ||
Hesco Electric | 905-332-3911 | 4375 Mainway |
Torbram Electric Supply | 905-634-7000 | 4325 Harvester Road Burlington |
Construction/Heavy Equipment | ||
SOS Customer Services Inc. | 905-670-3050 | 1025 Lorimar Driver Mississauga |
Construction/Plumbing | ||
Plumbing Mart | 905-275-0574 | 700 Dundas Street East. Mississauga |
Tubs The Ultimate Bath Store Inc. | 905-608-8827 | 2575 Dundas Street West Mississauga |
NOTE: does not endorse the use of any of the above retailers; always shop around and do your research when making a purchase.