Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks: a free website to assess your English language skills against Canadian standards.

Enhanced Language Training Programs: provides language training to help internationally-trained professionals and tradespeople find and keep jobs that match their skills and qualifications. Find local programs.

Shop Talk
is a program preparing job seekers for careers or training in the skilled trades, check out other programs offered by The Centre for Skills Development and Training.

Independent Learning Centre (ILC) Distance Education: ILC's English as a Second Language (ESL) courses are for adults who speak little or no English.

LangCanada.ca: provides educational resources, materials, training organizations and information to assist learning of both official languages in Canada, English and French.

Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) Program: federally funded program offering, in cooperation with provincial governments, school boards, community colleges, and immigrant and community organizations, free language training across the country for adult permanent residents. A full listing of local service providers is also provided.

Learning English with the CBC: designed to help new Canadians enhance what they know about our country. New Canadians build their English skills by watching and listening to interesting stories from the archives of CBC Television and CBC Radio.

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