Are you sure? is better than ever!

Welcome to the new! was launched 17 years ago as a way to address the skilled trades shortage in Ontario. Over the past 17 years, we’ve built a website and a service that helps connect apprentices and employers across the province. This year, we decided to rethink to make sure we were offering the best service possible. Since then, we’ve been busy updating our site and refreshing our look – and we’re excited to finally share it with the skilled trades’ world.

So, what’s new?

In addition to looking better than ever, the new has several features that will make the site even easier to use. They include:

  • Mobile responsiveness: Employers and job seekers can now access on any device – meaning they can search for jobs and candidates at their desk or on the go.
  • Job matching: Employers and job seekers will be matched with each other based on location and field of working, making job and applicant searching easier than ever.
  • Search management: Employers and job seekers can better manage their search - and their time - by saving candidates and jobs they’re interested in and returning to them at a later date.

We wouldn’t have been able to refresh this site without the support of our partners:

Province of Ontario

The W. Garfield Weston Foundation
The WB Family Foundation
Magna International
Mohawk College
The Woodbridge Group
Arcelor Mittal Dofasco
The Centre for Skills Development
Conestoga College
Sheridan College

We’d like to extend a big THANK-YOU to all the partners who believe in what we do. This new site was only able to happen with their support.

What’s next?

This upgrade is just the next step in the evolution of! We have some exciting plans to continue to build the site, and we’re always interested in hearing from our users about what they want from You can always send your suggestions to

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