Female automotive mechanic working on heavy equipment.

Sep 25 2024 - Sep 25 2024

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Exclusive networking event: APMA & ApprenticeSearch.com

Join us at the Automotive and Manufacturing Networking Summit, an exclusive networking event for industry professionals and aspiring skilled trades talent, presented by the Automotive Parts Manufacturers’ Association (APMA) in partnership with ApprenticeSearch.com.

When: Wednesday, September 25, 2024: 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Where: 5230 S Service Road, Burlington, Ontario

This event will provide an opportunity to:

  • Network with automotive and manufacturing industry leaders
  • Explore job opportunities and career paths in the automotive and manufacturing sector
  • Connect with new talent in the automotive industry and potential new hires
  • View Project Arrow, the first all-Canadian zero-emission concept vehicle
  • Learn more about the future of Canada’s automotive industry

ApprenticeSearch.com will host two pre-event webinars before the event to help students and pre-apprentices prepare for the networking opportunities.

Save your spot and register below:

Register as an Employer 

Register as a Candidate 

The Automotive and Manufacturing Networking Summit is hosted in partnership with the Business + Higher Education Roundtable and with support from the Government of Canada. 

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